Eating disorder

Blocks of letters spelling out names of eating disorders.

What Are The 5 Main Types Of Eating Disorders?

Eating is in the name, but these disorders go above and beyond a person’s relationship with food. Over 28 million people in the US either struggle with or have a history of eating disorders. Due to the sheer complexity of these mental health issues, they usually can’t be cured without the help of medical and psychiatric services. The 5 most common…

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An old woman baking with a teenage girl.

Signs That Your Teenager Has Developed an Eating Disorder

Connecting with your teenager can be difficult, especially if they’re trying to hide something from you. Most teenagers will develop eating disorders or other problematic habits due to their friend circle, peer pressure, and the content they are exposed to online. Teenagers also often struggle with body dysmorphic disorder, where they are unsatisfied with their body type and appearance. These…

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