
6 Tips For Parenting A Child With Autism

Hearing that your child has autism can be a worrying experience—this lifelong condition leaves most parents concerned about their child’s future. However, while we understand that some parents may be worried, its entirely possible to set your child up for a healthy and happy life. No two children with autism are the same, so it’s important to try out different methods…

How Many Types Of Narcissism Are There, And How Can You Tell Them Apart

People love talking about narcissism. Perhaps it’s because every person has a few narcissistic traits tied to their ego or because all of us know someone who is a narcissist. However, before you label someone with this term, it’s important to understand that different types of narcissists function in a variety of manners. All narcissists share the same core characteristics—a…

How ADHD Can Affect Your Family

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is one of the most commonly diagnosed behavior disorders in young teens and children. This disorder is characterized by impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention. ADHD’s impact might be widespread, affecting a child’s social-emotional development, home life, and academic performance. According to studies, one person having ADHD in the family might affect the other family members’ satisfaction with their everyday…

Childhood Roots of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Did you know that around 5-6% of people in the US have a narcissistic personality disorder? This mental condition often has roots in a person’s childhood and is more common in men than women. NPD often causes people to act in chaotic ways that can cause harm to other people. Here’s all you need to know about this mental health problem and…

What Are The 5 Main Types Of Eating Disorders?

Eating is in the name, but these disorders go above and beyond a person’s relationship with food. Over 28 million people in the US either struggle with or have a history of eating disorders. Due to the sheer complexity of these mental health issues, they usually can’t be cured without the help of medical and psychiatric services. The 5 most common…

5 Signs You Should Talk With Your Doctor About Anxiety

There are times when even the calmest people feel anxious. Perhaps a major exam or work deadline is approaching, or you’re excited yet nervous about speaking in front of a large crowd. Anxiety is expected in these situations and might even help you meet a deadline or deliver a successful presentation. However, when anxiety is persistent, no amount of coping…

3 Simple Ways to Cope with High Functioning Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most mental health disorders in the US. Over  40 million Americans suffer from different levels of anxiety regularly. A significant part of this population segment fails to identify that they suffer from anxiety. This is largely because they’re suffering from high functioning anxiety that doesn’t necessarily present itself with common symptoms. If you suspect that…

5 Daily Habits to Reduce Anxiety

According to recent estimates, a whopping 19% of the adult population suffers from anxiety disorders. The number only grows every year as more people develop this condition. Anxiety is a crippling disorder that can quickly leave you feeling isolated and unable to cope with your circumstances. Small triggers can send you spiraling deep into the dark pits of anxiety. Do…

Top Factors that Contribute to Positive Adolescent Mental Health

When you’re worrying about grades, getting into good colleges, and making friends, your life is already pretty hard to begin with. Imagine having to deal with mental health problems alongside everyday teenage experiences. Most children in their adolescent years are focused on fitting into the crowd and getting accepted by people they look up to. With so much already uncertain, the…

4 Approaches to Therapy and Counseling

Providing therapy and counseling for mental health problems can be complicated, and not every approach will work out with every individual. Many therapists and psychiatric care service professional uses different approaches to handling the issues at hand. If you’re trying to learn more about mental health illnesses, their causes, and more importantly how professionals tend to take care of them, it’s time…